Jason Mei

web developer software engineer chill dude

Jason Mei Profile Pic

About Me

Hi there! I'm a web developer with 3+ years of experience in crafting and maintaining digital content. I specialize in creating responsive web pages and seamless user experiences. My journey has taken me through exciting projects, from large-scale rebranding efforts to building fun, interactive web applications.

Outside of coding, my hobbies include indulging in everything Star Wars or Marvel, reading comics, attending comic conventions, traveling, going to the movies (and over-analyzing them), weightlifting, and tinkering with electronics.






Ruby On Rails




Furry Friends

A pet adoption app built using React/Redux for the frontend, with a Ruby of Rails backend. The user is able to search through adoptable pets and view their details, photos, and shelter information.

Keyboard Frenzy

A typing game built using a vanilla Javascript, HTML, CSS frontend, with a Ruby of Rails backend.

Fit Buddy

A workout tracker site built using Ruby on Rails. The user can create, edit, and delete exercises and workouts, as well as publicly share their workouts or privatize them.

Contact Me